Thursday, April 29, 2010

thoughts and thoughts....

My mind is overloaded.

The biggest thing on my mind is school. I've spent this whole year studying 100 percent bible. I came into my program thinking I knew more bible than most college freshmen. I now realize I know basically nothing of this Book that could be studied a lifetime and its story never fully comprehended. Why would it make sense for a God who is so holy, so amazing and so beyond my simple comprehension, redeem a people who never seem to want Him for the most part? The story of the drama of His redemption is even hard to fathom sometimes. Its the most intricate story I have ever known.

-God saves the only righteous man named Noah from the destruction of the earth because of sin.

-A few thousand years later Abraham is chosen by God, and promised the earth will be blessed through him.

-God uses Moses to lead His people, Israel, into a land promised to them. He gives them the Law to follow, to show them that they are incapable of measuring up to His standards.

-David is promised an heir to the thrown forever.

-God sends the prophets to speak to His people a message that they need to return to Him and be obedient.

-God finally sends His son, Jesus, whom fulfills the covenants made to Abraham and David, and fulfills the Law in every way.

-The craziest part is this: The perfect son of God who never knew sin, died to pay for my sin and takes it away? Unbelievable.

I guess I will never be able to understand this thing called grace. I don't think we're meant to.

Ahh. I guess I just needed to vent.

Now that were past all of that.... I leave for Africa in 3 weeks. I dont know where all the time that I thought I had went. I decided to read Crazy Love, by Francis Chan before I leave. I only read up to chapter 2 and love it. So far the two main questions I have to ask from reading it are: "Who do I think I am compared to God?" And: "What am I doing that counts because of this knowledge of God? " Check it out if you haven't already read it.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

To be honest...

Mmhmm, I should have started this blog a long time ago. I meant to do it... but I'm good at procrastinating when I want to.

The main reason that I'm making this blog is to share my journey, thoughts and feelings for when am on a trip to Gabon, Africa this summer. I will be an intern with the same missionaries I was with last summer, and will be able to serve alongside them while they do their thing. Tim and Meredith Brokopp have a home in Libreville, Gabon, which is set up to hold groups coming over for short term missions trips. My main job will be serving along with Tim and Meredith while they perform their various ministries, such as helping with the short term groups, a home for abandoned children, a mobile medical clinic etc.

When I went to board the plane to come back from Gabon last summer, I knew I wasn't done there. I saw so many amazing things such as several people getting saved or at least have the gospel presented to them. Best of all I saw God working in the heart of the Gabonese people, and that's why I want to go back.

Yeah, I'm giving up my summer which could be all about myself, for a summer that has nothing to do with me, and all about serving God through serving others.

Follow me on my journey.
